Welcome to AfricanGameDev
Agile and Collaborative Learning
At AfricanGameDev, we strive to give African Talents passionate about video game creation the means to meet the challenges they face, and to live new experiences. Below you will find all the information you need about the courses, the team and our methodology. Can not find what you are looking for ? Contact us today.

Let's Build The African GameDev Community
• Let's Build the African GameDev Community is a project initiated by NETINFO, African school of 3D and video game development supported by Epic Games within the framework of Epic MegaGrants.
• This project will be implemented in partnership with companies, schools, universities and organizations from 5 African countries who wish to develop the skills of young people passionate about the creation of video games and thus offer them new job opportunities and of creation of StartUps.
• This project will be carried out 80% online and 20% face-to-face. It will run from October 2020 to March 2021.
• This project will target young developers aged 18 to 30. We will select 200 young people who will participate in the Hackathons, including 40 young people grouped into 10 teams who will benefit from training and support sessions for the production of video game prototypes or immersive applications relating to the cultural heritage of their countries.
• This project is a package including:
training sessions,
a support program for the production of prototypes
Our news
last news
African Game Dev: Agenda
April 10: Private Event with Mark Flanagan and Joseph Azzam from Epic Games for the preparation of the teams for the closing event.
May 29: Closing event.
AfricanGameDev: education for all
We will be organizing an online information session on September 7, 2020 to explain the objectives of the Epic Megagrants by NETINFO program.
This program is 100% free to support the community of video game developers in Africa.
African Hackathon
We are the organizers in Tunisia of the AR / VR Hackathon initiated by Facebook and which is organized in 11 African countries.
Through this partnership we wish to offer the opportunity to all African enthusiasts to participate via our platform since it will be held 100% online.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Would you like to contribute to our media section? Contact us.